BBC Best Burger Cafe
#26 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 9PM
Badariya hotel
#7 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 8:30PM
Vasanth Vihar
#10 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 9:30PM
Hotel Puzhayoram
#9 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 3PM
Lake inn restaurant
Open until 12AM
#12 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 10PM
Mahamaya Restaurant Vegetarian
#13 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 7:30PM
Bekal Ripples
#3 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Safe Cafe Restaurant
#22 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 6PM
The AFC Hotel
#19 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Closed until tomorrow
Thejaswini Houseboat
#2 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
90s Cafe
#8 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 1AM
Wide range villa
#14 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 10:30PM
Florence Family Restaurant
#15 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Closed until tomorrow
Nehru College Canteen
#16 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Hotel Highway Palace
#18 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 1AM
Green Park
#24 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 1AM
#20 of 80 restaurants in Padanakkad
May be permanently closed
BBC Best Burger Cafe
#34 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 9PM
Lake inn restaurant
Open until 12AM
Bismi Super Chicken
#22 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 10PM
Florence Family Restaurant
#20 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Closed until tomorrow
Madeena Super Chicken
#37 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 8PM
Badariya hotel
#10 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 8:30PM
Mahamaya Restaurant Vegetarian
#18 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 7:30PM
The AFC Hotel
#25 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Closed until tomorrow
Top Bakes
#2 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 12AM
Parippuvada Vibavashala
#6 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 8PM
Iris Bakery
#8 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 11:30PM
Vasantha Vihar
#16 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 9PM
Vasanth Vihar
#15 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 9:30PM
90s Cafe
#11 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 1AM
#17 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 10PM
Wide range villa
#19 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 10:30PM
Modern Bakery and Cool bar
#26 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 7PM
Green Park
#32 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 1AM
Royal Village Restaurant and Bakes
#87 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 11PM
Top Bakes
#2 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 12AM
Parippuvada Vibavashala
#6 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 8PM
Fried story
#5 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Closed until 3:30PM
BBC Best Burger Cafe
#34 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 9PM
Iris Bakery
#8 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 11:30PM
Badariya hotel
#10 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 8:30PM
Milma Shoppe
#12 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 7PM
#63 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Vasantha Vihar
#16 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 9PM
Vasanth Vihar
#15 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 9:30PM
Manama Coolbar
#13 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 11PM
90s Cafe
#11 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 1AM
Hotel Puzhayoram
#14 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 3PM
Lake inn restaurant
Open until 12AM
Bismi Super Chicken
#22 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 10PM
#17 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Open until 10PM
Nehru College Canteen
#21 of 131 places to eat in Padanakkad
Vasantha Vihar
#1 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 9PM
Mahamaya Restaurant Vegetarian
#2 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 7:30PM
Vasanth Vihar
#3 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 9:30PM
Parippuvada Vibavashala
#4 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 8PM
Ramsons Hotel
#5 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 10PM
Nalanda Resorts
#1 of 7 seafood restaurants in Padanakkad
Fish market
#2 of 7 seafood restaurants in Padanakkad
Temporarily closed
Hotel Puzhayoram
#3 of 7 seafood restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 3PM
Safe Cafe Restaurant
#4 of 7 seafood restaurants in Padanakkad
Open until 6PM

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1 kmIn radius 1 km from Padanakkad city center
2 kmIn radius 2 km from Padanakkad city center
5 kmIn radius 5 km from Padanakkad city center
10 kmIn radius 10 km from Padanakkad city center
20 kmIn radius 20 km from Padanakkad city center
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75 kmIn radius 75 km from Padanakkad city center
100 kmIn radius 100 km from Padanakkad city center
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