#1 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Open until 11PM
Dev kripa hotel and restaurant
#2 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
May be permanently closed
#3 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
May be permanently closed
Dada Gopal Restaurant Barkhera
#4 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Foji Hotel
#5 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Tea Point
#6 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
May be permanently closed
अनिल डिजल वस्क्रसोप
#7 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
May be permanently closed
Yogi Bhai Hotel & restaurent
#8 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Open until 11PM
Saini Patel Hotel
#9 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Open until 10PM
श्री कृष्णा sweets
#10 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Open until 8:30PM
सैनी वैष्णो होटल
#11 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Brajesh Saini Restaurant
#12 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Closed until 10AM
Vishram Hotel
#13 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
May be permanently closed
S R Tent House
#14 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Temporarily closed
Jodhpur Sweets Home
#15 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Karni Maa Hotel&Resturant
#16 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Open until 12AM
Sanjay Saini Hotal
#17 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Temporarily closed
Sharma Juice Corner
#18 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
Temporarily closed
Bairwa Bhawn DhannRaj Bairwa
#19 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
May be permanently closed
Dk Boss Bhai Hotel & Restaurant
#20 of 25 restaurants in Mala Khera
#2 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 11PM
Dev kripa hotel and restaurant
#3 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
May be permanently closed
Yogi Bhai Hotel & restaurent
#10 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 11PM
सैनी वैष्णो होटल
#13 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Tija cafe shop
#15 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 9PM
Brajesh Saini Restaurant
#16 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Closed until 10AM
#18 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 9PM
Mavli Mata Mandir
#20 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
#21 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Vansh Emitra center
#22 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Jodhpur Sweets Home
#23 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Karni Maa Hotel&Resturant
#25 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 12AM
Kanha ice cream Centre Mala Kheda
#29 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Temporarily closed
Malakhera indra colony
#35 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Kamal Saini
#39 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Suman Agrotek
#40 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Pappu Advani
#45 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
श्री कृष्णा sweets
#1 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 8:30PM
#2 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 11PM
Dev kripa hotel and restaurant
#3 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
May be permanently closed
Dada Gopal Restaurant Barkhera
#5 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Saini Patel Hotel
#6 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 10PM
Yogi Bhai Hotel & restaurent
#10 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 11PM
सैनी वैष्णो होटल
#13 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Tija cafe shop
#15 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 9PM
Brajesh Saini Restaurant
#16 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Closed until 10AM
#18 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 9PM
Mavli Mata Mandir
#20 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
#21 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Jodhpur Sweets Home
#23 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Karni Maa Hotel&Resturant
#25 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 12AM
Kanha ice cream Centre Mala Kheda
#29 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Temporarily closed
Dev bakers
#32 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Temporarily closed
Bhawana Jodhpur Sweets And Restaurant
#34 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Open until 9PM
Malakhera indra colony
#35 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Kamal Saini
#39 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera
Suman Agrotek
#40 of 50 places to eat in Mala Khera

Pubs & bars in Mala Khera

#1 of 2 pubs & bars in Mala Khera
Temporarily closed
Choudhury mohar singh market
#2 of 2 pubs & bars in Mala Khera
Temporarily closed

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0.2 kmIn radius 0.2 km from Mala Khera city center
0.5 kmIn radius 0.5 km from Mala Khera city center
1 kmIn radius 1 km from Mala Khera city center
2 kmIn radius 2 km from Mala Khera city center
5 kmIn radius 5 km from Mala Khera city center
10 kmIn radius 10 km from Mala Khera city center
20 kmIn radius 20 km from Mala Khera city center
50 kmIn radius 50 km from Mala Khera city center
75 kmIn radius 75 km from Mala Khera city center
100 kmIn radius 100 km from Mala Khera city center
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