If you happen to be near Spiritual Museum, you can go to this restaurant. At Airavat family Restuarunt, visitors may have good biryani. A lot of guests say that the staff is hospitable here. Fine service is something that people note in their reviews. The atmosphere is charming, as clients see it. Based on the guests' feedback on Google, this place deserved 4.7.
SundaySun | 12AM-11:30PM |
MondayMon | 12AM-11:30PM |
TuesdayTue | 12AM-11:30PM |
WednesdayWed | 12AM-11:30PM |
ThursdayThu | 12AM-11:30PM |
FridayFri | 12AM-11PM |
SaturdaySat | 12AM-10:30PM |