Al Zaika
#1 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 11AM
Mubba hotel Mewati
#2 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Garg foodie junction
#3 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 9AM
Sallu Bhai Haryana Hotel
#4 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Punjabi dhaba
#5 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Royal Restaurant
#6 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Changa restaurant
#7 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Hamid King Kamenda Hotel
#8 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Mangla Restaurant
#9 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 8AM
Gujrat hotel
#10 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
#11 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Laziz Restaurant
#12 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 10AM
Mahatejas Chop Shop
#13 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Restaurant Shop
#14 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Insaf khan
#15 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Haji Hotal And Restaurant
#16 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Jahul Fast Food
#17 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 8AM
Jahid khan
#18 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Village Thekri
#19 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Mannat Restaurant
#20 of 91 restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Al Zaika
#1 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 11AM
Sallu Bhai Haryana Hotel
#4 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Gujrat hotel
#7 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Changa restaurant
#9 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Happy heart
#28 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 3AM
#61 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Insaf Fast Food
#67 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 8AM
Garg foodie junction
#3 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 9AM
Punjabi dhaba
#6 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Mubba hotel Mewati
#2 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Mahatejas Chop Shop
#5 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Royal Restaurant
#8 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
#11 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Mangla Restaurant
#14 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 8AM
Raju sweets
#23 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 6:30AM
#24 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Jahid khan
#25 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Pizza house
#27 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 9AM
#29 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 9AM
Mannat Restaurant
#30 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Al Zaika
#1 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 11AM
Mubba hotel Mewati
#2 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Garg foodie junction
#3 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 9AM
Sallu Bhai Haryana Hotel
#4 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Mahatejas Chop Shop
#5 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Punjabi dhaba
#6 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Gujrat hotel
#7 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Royal Restaurant
#8 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Changa restaurant
#9 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Rajesh Chai Wala
#10 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 4:30AM
#11 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Saini Hotal
#12 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Mangla Restaurant
#14 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 8AM
Insaf khan
#17 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Master ji Fakruddin
#18 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Haji Hotal And Restaurant
#20 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Jahul Fast Food
#21 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 8AM
Raju sweets
#23 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 6:30AM
#24 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka
Jahid khan
#25 of 153 places to eat in Firozpur Jhirka

Pizza restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka

Pizza house
#1 of 2 pizza restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Closed until 9AM
New Fresh Pizza House
#2 of 2 pizza restaurants in Firozpur Jhirka
Temporarily closed

Restaurant features in Firozpur Jhirka

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0.2 kmIn radius 0.2 km from Firozpur Jhirka city center
0.5 kmIn radius 0.5 km from Firozpur Jhirka city center
1 kmIn radius 1 km from Firozpur Jhirka city center
2 kmIn radius 2 km from Firozpur Jhirka city center
5 kmIn radius 5 km from Firozpur Jhirka city center
10 kmIn radius 10 km from Firozpur Jhirka city center
20 kmIn radius 20 km from Firozpur Jhirka city center
50 kmIn radius 50 km from Firozpur Jhirka city center
75 kmIn radius 75 km from Firozpur Jhirka city center
100 kmIn radius 100 km from Firozpur Jhirka city center
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