Beat The Hunger
#1 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
Maggi Hut
#2 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
The Canadian Pizza
#3 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Shake We Make
#4 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
Sharma Vaishno Dhaba
#5 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11PM
Soda Junction
#6 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
May be permanently closed
Mehmaan Restaurant
#8 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11:01PM
Madhuban Sweets and Restaurant
#9 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10:30PM
Madaan sweets and Restaurant
#10 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Blue Moon's Bakes & Restaurant
#11 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11PM
Naresh Chicken Soup Corner
#12 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Closed until tomorrow
Apni Haveli Family Dhaba
#13 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11PM
Lotan fish Corner
#15 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10:30PM
Sharma Restaurant
#16 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
city palace
#17 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11PM
Anand Taste Drive
#18 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
The Rajput Restaurant
#19 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Chan Pardesi Pure Veg Dhaba
#20 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Sher-E- Punjab Restaurant
#21 of 215 restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Temporarily closed
Bille Di Hatti
#2 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Maggi Hut
#4 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
OnlineDelivery.in Ferozepur Cake Shop
#5 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
Chan Pardesi Pure Veg Dhaba
#7 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Sharma Vaishno Dhaba
#8 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11PM
Lotan fish Corner
#9 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10:30PM
Anand Taste Drive
#15 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
#20 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Pandit Bakers
#22 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Closed until tomorrow
Madhuban Sweets and Restaurant
#29 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10:30PM
Raj Dhaba
#35 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11PM
The Hawkers
#57 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10:30PM
Gora fast food
#76 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
The Urban Eats
#127 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10:30PM
#129 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10:30PM
Billa Chicken Centre
#21 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
Pizza Cafeteria
#34 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
The Canadian Pizza
#10 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Amritsari naan
#23 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Closed until tomorrow
Mehmaan Restaurant
#24 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11:01PM
Beat The Hunger
#1 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
Bille Di Hatti
#2 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Guru Nanak Bakery
#3 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Closed until tomorrow
Maggi Hut
#4 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
OnlineDelivery.in Ferozepur Cake Shop
#5 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
Chan Pardesi Pure Veg Dhaba
#7 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Sharma Vaishno Dhaba
#8 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11PM
Lotan fish Corner
#9 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10:30PM
The Canadian Pizza
#10 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Raju Tea Stall (Raju Dhaba)
#11 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Shake We Make
#12 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
Shri Naivedyam Sweets & Bakers
#13 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11PM
#14 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Anand Taste Drive
#15 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
#17 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
May be permanently closed
#18 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
#20 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Billa Chicken Centre
#21 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Open now
Pandit Bakers
#22 of 315 places to eat in Ferozepur Cantt
Closed until tomorrow
Sher-E- Punjab Restaurant
#2 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Temporarily closed
Kumar Vaishno Dhaba
#3 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11PM
Chan Pardesi Pure Veg Dhaba
#4 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Mehmaan Restaurant
#5 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11:01PM
The Canadian Pizza
#6 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Blue Moon's Bakes & Restaurant
#7 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 11PM
#8 of 6 vegetarian restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Pizza Cafeteria
#1 of 10 pizza restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Pizza point restaurant
#2 of 10 pizza restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Tyagi's Family Resturant & Pizza Hub
#3 of 10 pizza restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Temporarily closed
Hashtag Pizza
#4 of 10 pizza restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
#5 of 10 pizza restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
#6 of 10 pizza restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
The Canadian Pizza
#7 of 10 pizza restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Pizza Cafeteria
#8 of 10 pizza restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
Open until 10PM
Bikano Cafe
#9 of 10 pizza restaurants in Ferozepur Cantt
May be permanently closed

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0.2 kmIn radius 0.2 km from Ferozepur Cantt city center
0.5 kmIn radius 0.5 km from Ferozepur Cantt city center
1 kmIn radius 1 km from Ferozepur Cantt city center
2 kmIn radius 2 km from Ferozepur Cantt city center
5 kmIn radius 5 km from Ferozepur Cantt city center
10 kmIn radius 10 km from Ferozepur Cantt city center
20 kmIn radius 20 km from Ferozepur Cantt city center
50 kmIn radius 50 km from Ferozepur Cantt city center
75 kmIn radius 75 km from Ferozepur Cantt city center
100 kmIn radius 100 km from Ferozepur Cantt city center
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